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The next three months are going to be filled with divisive rhetoric and harsh attacks. Let these come from the candidates, not from you. As Harris and Trump make the case for why they should be the leader of the Free World, they both will directly and indirectly attack the morals, character, patriotism integrity and home training of the other.
Our counsel is to not follow suit. As difficult as it will be, our goal remains to attack policy not people. We are desperate to know the truth about the candidate’s policies, what the candidates believe. The best way to understand their true agenda is not to look at their lips, but to look at the policies they have pursued. It is time consuming, but it is the only way to get to the truth.
We look forward to sharing with you our massive data dump on policies based on the candidate’s own words. Yes, it will include everything from the 922-page Project 2025 to the relatively short executive orders signed by Tim Walz.
Even as we try to attack policy not people, we know we are bound to offend and be offended. As Christians the greatest offense that we take when discussing politics is for our faith to be questioned. Years ago, a Christian friend posted this after we wrote a commentary about why we are supporting Donald Trump; “That Republicans, especially those who identify as followers as Jesus, continue to support DT amazes and embarrasses me. We sell our souls in doing so.”
To this Christian sister, we could say that we are embarrassed and amazed when Christian support a candidate who signed an executive order that allows minors to defy their parents and cross state lines to receive irreversible “gender affirming” surgeries. Or we could say that we are embarrassed and amazed when Christians support a candidate who brags about his extreme pro-abortion stances. We could attack someone’s faith for voting that way. But we won’t because we know the way you vote does not make you a Christian. But stick around because we will attack the very policies that we find problematic. If we make a misstep, we will apologize.
We have seen a popular meme across social media with a quote from Susan B. Anthony, “No self-respecting woman should wish or work for the success of a party that ignores her sex.” We’ve seen this quote coming from several Christian women who are pro-abortion. It reminds us of when the late Madeleine Albright admonished women who would not vote for Hillary Clinton by saying, “There is a special place in hell for women who don’t help women.” As impolitic as it may be to say so, the truth is that Christians believe there is a special place in hell for people who don’t believe in Jesus. Period full stop. That’s it. That’s the full Monty. It’s not whether you vote for Republicans or vote for Democrats.
So, with that to Christians we say, keep it classy by attacking policy not people and for heaven’s sake don’t question the faith of fellow believers because they are not voting the way you think they should.
The Bass Sisters: Dee Dee Bass Wilbon and Deana Bass Williams are sisters and co-founders of Bass Public Affairs a Washington, DC based public affairs firm. They co-host the podcast Policy and Pound Cake.
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