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Pro-life Mama Gets Three and Half Years Behind Bars for Blocking the Door to An Abortion Clinic

Climate highway activists, Pro-abortion vandals get slaps on the wrist…where is the justice

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It’s an outrageous miscarriage of justice that Bevelyn Beatty Williams, a pro-life activist, is being convicted under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE Act) for peacefully blocking the entrance of an abortion clinic. The wife and mother will spend three and a half years in jail. Sentencing her to three and a half years in prison for exercising her First Amendment rights not only sets a dangerous precedent but also highlights the glaring double standard in how our justice system handles pro-life advocates versus those on the left.

We love this country, but today we hang our heads in shame because of what we are allowing to happen. Bevelyn’s case is not just a battle for the right to protest. All Americans who claim to champion equal application of the law should be raising picket signs over this.

Bevelyn’s case is not an isolated one. Fellow pro-life activists like Mark Houck, a father of seven who was acquitted after being wrongfully charged under the FACE Act, have been persecuted simply for defending the unborn. These courageous individuals are paying a steep price for their beliefs. They are not violent criminals; they are peaceful protesters advocating for the sanctity of life.

Contrast this treatment with how climate activists and leftist protesters are treated for similar acts of civil disobedience. When climate activists block highways or glue themselves to infrastructure, do they face three and a half years in prison? No. They often walk away with nothing more than a slap on the wrist. When abortion activists vandalize churches or pro-life pregnancy centers, are they subjected to the same harsh punishments? Absolutely not. Many of them are even praised in the media, and their cases are quietly dismissed.

We love this country. America is the greatest experiment in democracy the world has ever known. But we all have to stand up to make sure this democratic republic is healthy. It is unhealthy when protesters are subject to different rules. If you’re protesting for the “right” causes—the ones championed by the left—you’ll be protected, not prosecuted. But if you dare stand for the unborn and block an abortion clinic’s entrance, the full weight of the justice system will come crashing down on you.

We ask, where is the fairness in that? Bevelyn Beatty Williams’ peaceful actions did not deserve the harshest punishment possible under the FACE Act, especially when those on the left who commit similar—or worse—acts of protest walk free. This is selective justice at its worst.

Bevelyn deserves our support, and it’s time to expose the hypocrisy in how justice is being served. The system cannot claim to be fair when peaceful pro-life activists are being railroaded while their leftist counterparts receive nothing more than a free pass.

Our great prayer right now is that the system be exposed and that Bevelyn be released.


The Bass Sisters: Dee Dee Bass Wilbon and Deana Bass Williams are sisters and co-founders of Bass Public Affairs a Washington, DC based public affairs firm. They co-host the podcast Policy & Pound Cake.



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