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Dr. Alveda King: Prayers and Praise for the Election of Donald J. Trump

Writer's picture: Dr. Alveda KingDr. Alveda King

Today I offer prayers for and thankful congratulations to my friend President Donald J. Trump upon being duly elected as America’s 47th President. With the help of God and a dedicated team of capable Americans, President Trump continues to teach us to hold our heads up high and to fight the good fight of faith; standing for what we believe in.  

Over the short time that he has been a public servant, DJT has made a monumental impact on securing religious liberties for people of all faiths.  

POTUS Elect has protected life from the womb to the tomb.  He has given a voice to the forgotten and marginalized.  He says “we all bleed the same”; in recognition of the dignity of the one blood human race. 

POTUS 47 remains steady through death threats, opposition, impeachments, and arrests. Yet God is doing a mighty work in this world through Donald J. Trump.

We are grateful that many people of faith have a champion who will continue to fight for us. Now, as we look forward, with all hands on deck, we have a responsibility to hold our leaders on all levels accountable to do the work of restoring America to that shining city on a hill. 

With President Trump’s victory and leadership, I know this is possible. Let’s thank God always as we remember that faith-based voters have a powerful voice. Let us use that voice to influence decisions that will protect the sanctity of life, defend the institution of biblical marriage, support families, and uphold the values that are central to our faith.

My uncle Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, ‘We are the conscience of the state.” We must govern our actions accordingly. 

“First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way.” 1 Timothy 2:2

As a Christian Evangelist, for Father God, Son Jesus and Holy Spirit, my prayer is that we, as Christian voters across this great nation continue to remember that we have a vital role in shaping the moral and spiritual direction of our country.  Pray for President Trump, his family, our families, our nation, and the world. 



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